Defining the Village


There were many times in my first year of university, where I found myself creeping down Sentinel Road, not knowing where I was heading, but all the same, I was enchanted by this little community hatched beside Keele campus. I had no idea what the village was, not one clue. Could you blame me? I was your typical commuter student, in and out as fast as you can say “lecture dismissed”. However, after meeting some fantastic people who lived there, I had the framework, but was still missing some fundamental details. So  I did some research, until I had a clear idea of what was exactly going down 10 minutes south of Vari Hall. Here is where I will give you the details.


– The houses in the village are NOT owned by York University, they are privately owned. Many of these houses have been converted to “rooming houses” by their respectful owners, where they are given to rent for York University students and other people from different walks of life (there is no requirement of being a  York University student/having a York University affiliation to habitat the village)

-It is up to the STUDENT to ensure that they are living in safe conditions that meet fire conditions. It is also up to the student to know their rights when it comes to being a tenant for the specific property owner.

– There is no such thing as Dons/DLLOs/RLC’s/Residence Security at the village. It should be noted by now that since the village is not property of York University, there is a limited amount of responsibility which the university can take when it comes to the tenants residing at the village that are York University community members. 

-There is free transportation (The York U Shuttle) available for those residing in the village who are York University community members. The shuttle service includes “Village Express”, “Village West” as well as “Village East” and they operate within the hours of 6:00 PM and 2:00 AM from Monday to Friday. All shuttles pick you up in front of Vari Hall! 

– Living on the village means a lot more responsibility! 

Hope you learned a thing or two!

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